About a week ago, I registered on envs.net. I originally registered because I was about to deprecate an old e-mail address from 2020 and wanted to replace it with a new one which I could use for GitHub (because GitHub sure does not want me to use any cock.li addresses!) - but as I was about to sign up I found out that not only do they give you an e-mail address if you sign up for a shell account on their system, but also a temporary file hoster, a Cryptpad instance, an event manager, a BBS and most importantly for this post, the ability to host a gemsite and/or gopherhole in their server.
And since not only have I been interested on setting up a gemsite for several months already, but also had spents a few months exploring Gemini websites and absolutely loving everything I saw, the choice was obvious - and I soon started work on a Gemini version of this very site, which is called kodzuken.

You can access Kodzuken at gemini://envs.net/~kodzuken through a Gemini browser - my personal recommendations being Lagrange if you are a Windows pleb or just want a nice, familiar-looking browser that just works and can customize easily, Elaho if you're a poor soul stuck with an iToy and Bombadillo if you're a based *Nix user, CLI application fanatic and Vim-style keybinds enjoyer like me.
I unfortunately do not have any Android devices I have full control over so I cannot recommend any clients for them (although Lagrange seems to have an Android beta in the works).

Right now Kodzuken is currently playing catch-up to this very site, but once that's done expect anything to come out on here to also come out on there at about the same time (if not even earlier depending on the type of content it is)

At the end of the day, however, Kodzuken is nohing more and nothing less than just another personal website on Gemspace, which happens to be similar and different from this one random site on the World Wide Web.

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