in a world where most people have their kin awakenings through fantasy creatures and magical characters, i had mine... through a volleyball player.

holy shit, if that isn't the beginning of what might be the weirdest otherkin origin story, i don't know what else it is.

Overall I don't actually like what happened when i was him that much despite being arguably my strongest kintype after vita - mainly because of just how crazy things got later on, but hey, at least the first few loops or so were actually canon compliant. It was once all of us started finding out that we were all in a timeloop that thigns started going down.

Or were they? I remember the relationship between Shoyo and I being more intense... although never really requited from what I know.

as for history, i don't think i'd have ever noticed this kintype if not for actually watching haikyuu.
in fact, it's a miracle i even found out i was kin with kenma as opposed to just going "oh wow he's LITERALLY ME" and adding another one to the syn gallery.

i never liked sports and preferred to just spend time on the computer or read a book and whatnot, but i never thought these traits would ever become kin-related and such.

so in a way, it's the coincidence of all time.

kenma is canoically a libra (tropical), and i've come to the conclusion that this fits after spending a wonderful 15 minutes between researching what the haikyuu character birthdays were and calculating an astrological birth chart.
libra is ruled by venus, and thus i associate him with venus.
in addition, i associate with the rational and perfectionistically lazy, but also eccentric and reclusive side of myself (it gets better though!).

also, kuro, if you're reading this...
...why do we always have to end up reincarnating together?
i literally don't know, and i don't think you know either.
if you don't think we did, then my apologies. i must be referring to another tetsurou kuroo then.